When you lose your car keys, what do you do?

When you lose your car keys, what do you do?

Have you ever lost your car keys? Sometimes we lose our car keys, either because our bag has been stolen or we have simply left them somewhere.

Other times, for a simple mistake, we leave them inside the car, with the impossibility of accessing them because the vehicle itself prevents us from opening the doors or the trunk. If you find yourself in a similar situation in the future, follow the advice that we offer from the blog of AFR locksmiths Malaga.

Losing your car keys can ruin a trip, make you late for work or an important appointment. That’s why it’s vital to keep a copy of your car key in a safe place at home.

Therefore, if we lose the keys and do not have a copy, the steps to follow would be the following:

  1. Call the insurance company of the car we’re hiring. Maybe the insurance covers this kind of situation, sending another copy of the keys.
  2. Call the nearest dealer or make of car. That way we know what solutions and rates they offer us for a key copy. In case you do not have any of the keys, you must prove that you are the owner of the car by showing your ID and the relevant documentation of the vehicle.
  3. If you find yourself in the situation that the car keys have been left inside the car, you should follow the steps above, although the car brand will offer you more expensive services than having a copy of the car key.

What does AFR locksmiths Malaga offer for these situations?

We offer a 24 hour road service for total loss of keys, available to travel anywhere in the province of Malaga. Thanks to the flexibility offered by our mobile workshop, we can help you solve situations such as:

  • If you forgot the key inside the car: Vehicle opening service.
  • If you lost the car keys: Key copy service or new key in less than 30 minutes.

Avoid having to call the crane, we’ll get around. We will ask for the necessary documentation to prove that the car is your property.

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